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    10 Monsters in the Closet

    Date: October 17, 2019, 11:30am
    Kimberly A. Nash, VP Client Compliance & HR Services, Brown & Brown Insurance
    Brookside Country Club
    Members: $25 and Non-Members: $40
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    Leaders have a choice:  stay comfortable and continue to operate as they always have, or disrupt the status quo and become a high performing organization.  Comfortable is easy, but it results in just surviving at best.  Becoming a high performing organization requires hard work, patience, consistent effort, and risk taking.  The thought of change brings out a lot of fear!

    However, if leaders take the leap, the rewards can be amazing!  During this presentation, we will expose ten (10) fears that leaders face as they move the organization from status quo to high performing.

    Learning Objectives:

    · Participants will be able to identify 10 fears that plague organizations and identify which of those fears affect their organizations

    ·  Participants will be able to implement some action points immediately to begin moving the organization from status quo to high performing

    ·  Participants will be able to look at fears from a different perspective:  instead of a challenge but rather an opportunity that can be welcomed and achieved

    ·  Participants will recognize that all organizations have fear, but when we expose those fears, we can replace with successful initiatives to move the organization forward