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Event Details

    Workplace Violence in the 21st Century

    Date: October 20, 2016, 11:30am – 1:30pm
    Brookside Country Club
    850 N Adams St
    Pottstown, PA 19464
    $20 Greater Pottstown SHRM members; $30 nonmembers
    Event Type:
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    Speaker:  Dr. Diana Sorrentino, Lehigh Valley Paladin, LLC

    Topic:  Dr. Sorrentino’s presentation will address the basic concepts of Identification, Intervention & Prevention.  These concepts will include:  Understanding the Nature of Threats; Advance Detection and Intervention; Responding to Threats or Incidents of Violence with-in the Workplace; Detection, Prevention & Intervention; the Means by which you can Defuse and Protect; as well as Assessment and Containment.  Additionally, this presentation will discuss how to recognize the Warning Signs and Triggers which will precede an act of Violence or Aggression.  Lastly, this presentation will also address the Risk of Violence from High Risk Terminations.